Chicago Metropolitan Baseball Association

Constitution and By-Laws



1 Name; Objective

1.1 Name

This baseball league shall be known as the Chicago Metropolitan Baseball Association (CMBA). The CMBA has been formed for the purpose of providing the finest amateur baseball league in the State of Illinois and Midwest; a league where an up and coming young prospect for professional baseball may play and develop; where the talented veteran player can enjoy playing among the best competition; and bring friendship and sportsmanship to the Association.

1.2 Ethics

All Association members, including officers, managers, umpires, and players shall strive to be ethical, honorable, and truthful in all dealings concerning the League thereby promoting the Association as a first class league of impeccable integrity.

1.3 Sportsmanship

All Association members, including officers, managers, umpires, and players are expected to behave in a sportsmanlike manner, promoting fair competitive play in a respectful atmosphere.

2 Membership

2.1 Eligibility

Membership in the CMBA is open to any amateur baseball franchise in the Greater Chicagoland area that qualifies under the rules and requirements for admission as set forth in this Constitution.

2.2 Classification; Standing

Membership shall be divided into the following four (4) classes:

  1. In good standing with active franchises.
    1. These members shall have full playing and voting privileges.
  2. In good standing that have been granted a leave of absence.
    1. These members shall not have voting privileges but may attend League meetings.
  3. Not in good standing (temporary suspension for League rules violations) with active franchises. These members shall have full voting and game playing privileges.
    1. These members shall have full voting and game playing privileges. However, any games played by members not in good standing shall be deemed technical forfeit.
  4. Not in good standing (indefinite suspension).
    1. These members shall have no game playing or voting privileges.
    2. May attend league meetings by special invitation of the President.

2.3 Subjectivity

All Association members shall abide by and are subject to all rules and regulations as outlined in this Constitution and By-Laws, and are subject to the authority of the President, other Officers, the umpires and any other ruling officials so authorized. These rules, regulations, articles, and By-Laws may not be suspended, set aside, or added to under any circumstances, regardless of the will of the managers. This section nullifies the “If both managers agree” concept.

3 Officers

The following shall be considered Officers of the League: President; Treasurer; and Rules and Competition Committee Members. Other Officers may be created by the President at his discretion or by vote of League members upon the request of a League Member. All offices shall be filled by an affirmative vote of League members.

3.1 Terms of Office

  1. The President shall serve a life term unless he chooses to voluntarily relinquish the office. The new President shall be chosen by a majority vote of the League membership.
  2. All Officers other than President are subject to yearly review and reelection by League vote.

3.2 Umpires

Umpires shall have the sole responsibility for the enforcement of all sections in Team Rosters Players And Eligibility of the By-Laws, except where specified.

4 Meetings

4.1 Annual Meeting

The Association shall hold its annual preseason meeting after January 1 at a time and place set by the President. This meeting must be held in person, except in extenuating circumstances.

4.2 Additional Meetings

Additional meetings shall be called by the President for reasons at his discretion.

4.3 Rules and Competition Committee Meetings

The Rules and Competition Committee shall meet at the discretion of the President. These meetings must be held in person, except in extenuating circumstances by agreement between the President and the Committee.

4.4 Meeting and Voting Validity

Only meetings called for and attended by the President will be considered valid and no votes held in the absence of the President will be considered binding.

4.5 Amending the Constitution

This constitution may be amended, removed, or added by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of members with voting privileges. The complete proposed written text of any amendment(s) to this constitution must be submitted to the representatives of the teams before the amendment(s) can be voted on.

5 Finances

The President shall determine the franchise and annual entry fees. All other fees will be levied at the discretion of the League President. Fees shall be levied with the understanding that the Association is a not for profit organization.


6 Definition; Amendments

These By-Laws shall stand as the official rules of the CMBA. All Association members shall abide by and are subject to, without exception, all rules and regulations as outlined in the Constitution and By-Laws as well as the authority of the Association President, in accordance with Subjectivity

6.1 Amending the By-Laws

By-Laws may be amended, removed, or added by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Association members present at the time of the vote.

7 League Membership and Fees

7.1 Standards

The following standards shall apply for consideration for membership by franchises in the CMBA.

  1. Quality of leadership within the franchise.
  2. Good record of past performance in the following:
    1. Forfeits and punctuality at League games.
    2. Attitude and conduct of players and management.
    3. Financial responsibility.
    4. Ability of its players.

7.2 New franchises

The Association President shall present, upon acceptable review of its qualifications, a new franchise to the members at large for consideration. New franchises are allowed to present a positive case for inclusion.

  1. Acceptance shall be affirmed with a simple majority vote of members in attendance.

7.3 Acceptance Fee

A franchise fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be paid to the Association Treasurer upon acceptance into the Association.

7.4 Annual Fee

All Association members shall pay an annual fee. Per Finances, this fee shall be determined by the Association President.

7.5 Payment of Fees

All Association members must have all fees paid by a date set by the President.

  1. Penalty for late payment shall be ten dollars ($10.00) per week for no longer than five (5) weeks.
  2. Members in violation of the above shall be placed on temporary suspension for a period of two (2) weeks.
  3. Members who have not paid outstanding fees by the end of the two week suspension shall be placed on indefinite suspension until all fees are paid.

7.6 List of Fees

The annual League fee shall consist of, but are not limited to the following: Forfeit fee; Performance bond; Field fees; Prize Money Fund; Tournament fees; and any other costs incurred by the League.

7.7 Fines

Any Association franchise or player may be susceptible to a fine by the President or Rules Committee as applicable for conduct unbecoming of a representative of the League and for any violation of this Constitution and its By-Laws.

  1. Fines shall be determined by the President or committee as applicable and may not exceed fifty dollars ($50.00).
  2. Fines must be paid in full by a date specified by the President. Teams with outstanding fines will be considered not in good standing as defined in Subsection.

7.8 Leave of Absence

Members in good standing may be granted a leave of absence and are entitled to all privileges as outlined in Classification; Standing of the Constitution.

  1. Members in good standing on leave for more than two (2) years must reapply for membership.

7.9 Temporary Suspension

An Association franchise may be placed on temporary suspension by the President and are subject to rules set forth in Classification; Standing.

7.10 Indefinite Suspension

An Association franchise may be placed on indefinite suspension by the President and subject to rules set forth in Classification; Standing. Violations that may result in indefinite suspension are as follows:

  1. Conduct detrimental to the objectives of the Association.
  2. Two (2) forfeits of a game in one season. A team that is indefinitely suspended two consecutive seasons for violation of this subsection shall not be permitted to reapply for reinstatement unless a change in management is presented to the league. The new management must be approved by the Association President and ratified by a majority of the association members.
  3. Tampering with players on the roster of another member franchise. Tampering shall be defined as the deliberate solicitation, without consent, by one Association member of a player who has made at least an oral commitment to play for another Association franchise.
  4. Consumption of alcoholic beverages on or in close proximity to the playing fields as detailed in League Standings
  5. Violation of any written policies set forth by the issuer of any permits for field use by the Association.
  6. Failure to comply with any of the stated codes of conduct as set forth in this document.

7.11 Reinstatement

An indefinitely suspended franchise may be reinstated by the President upon the resolution of any outstanding violations and the satisfactory guarantee of no further violations.

7.12 Additional Fees

The President may request additional fees to cover any costs that exceed the amounts originally budgeted for by the League.

7.13 Fees to the President

In the event the President is a franchise holder, the Rules and Competition Committee may levy any and all appropriate fines for infractions of this Constitution and By-Laws by his franchise.

7.14 Outside Leagues

Teams may not play in leagues outside of the CMBA, unless that league has a formal agreement with the CMBA that its playing schedule does not conflict with regularly scheduled CMBA games or playoffs.

8 Officer Duties

As defined in Officers, the officers of the Association are the President, Treasurer, Rules and Competition Committee member.

8.1 President

The duties and powers of the President are as follows:

  1. Shall serve a life term or until voluntary relinquishment of the office.
  2. Preside over all League meetings.
  3. Official spokesman to news media and others whenever the Association’s point of view is needed.
  4. Call all regular and Rules and Competition Committee meetings and assign the date and place thereof.
  5. Appoint persons to positions as he deems necessary or until elections are held.
  6. Assess fines and punishments as he deems necessary with just cause.
  7. Calculate the Association’s budget.
  8. Gather all information regarding protests.
  9. Maintain a league website to keep managers and players apprised of the state of the league.
  10. Judge and take action on all circumstances not covered in the Constitution and By-Laws in good faith and furtherance of the stated goals and principles of the league.
  11. Interpret the rules and by-laws of this Constitution and make appropriate decisions thereof.
    1. Decisions of the President may be appealed to the Rules and Competition Committee. Appeals must be presented in writing and must contain specific grounds for the appeal.

8.2 Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the League’s monetary assets and its proper handling and distribution as ordered by the league and its President.

8.3 Rules and Competition Committee

The Rules and Competition Committee, to be made up of the President and two (2) appointed franchise holders. An alternate member shall be appointed by the president if a committee member is unavailable or conflicted (i.e. the matter under consideration involves a player of the committee member’s team or the committee member), shall meet and take action concerning:

  1. Official protests
  2. Disciplinary matters referred to the committee pursuant to Standings And Postseason
  3. Any decision of the President that has been officially appealed.

8.4 Compensation

All officers other than the Rules Committee members, shall be granted compensation for time and expenses.

9 Meetings and Voting

Per Annual Meeting, the Association shall hold an annual meeting. In addition, per 4.2, the President may call additional meetings.

9.1 Voting Privileges

Each franchise with voting privileges as specified in Classification; Standing shall have one (1) vote at league meetings, regardless of the number of representatives the franchise has sent to the meeting.

9.2 President’s Role

The President shall chair the meeting. If the President is also a franchise holder, he must designate another person from his franchise to represent the team at league meetings. The President can only vote in the event of a tie vote among the members present at the meeting.

9.3 Voting Decisions

A 2/3 vote is necessary to:

  1. Amend the Constitution, per Amending the Constitution
  2. Amend the Bylaws, per Amending The By Laws
  3. Remove an Officer.
  4. Expel a team or player for violations of rules set forth in the Constitution or By-laws.

Any decision not listed above shall be decided by simple majority vote.

9.4 Attendance

All franchise members are expected to attend all league meetings. Failure of a franchise to send a representative to a meeting may result in a ten dollar ($10.00) fine. Those members present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum and all votes by this quorum are binding.

10 Teams and Managers

10.1 Recognition

Teams shall be formally recognized as existing as an entity from April 1 through August 31 of the current season. These dates shall serve as time periods as they pertain to all rules regarding rosters and team management.

10.2 Team Name

Teams new to the Association, regardless of the makeup of the roster, shall not be allowed to use the name of any existing Association team. Teams from other recognized Associations or Leagues entering the CMBA shall be allowed to use any team name provided it was the recognized existing name of the team prior to its membership in the Association. Changes in team names shall not affect a team’s status in the Association in any way provided the original recognized Manager is the entrant of the team.

10.3 Uniform

All players must be in uniform (bearing the team’s name as represented to the league) by the team’s first regular season game in order to be eligible to participate in games. Players may not obtain the jersey of another team member in order to obtain eligibility.

  1. This deadline may be extended by the President at his discretion following a written petition by the team that shows a just and reasonable cause for extension, and evidence of a good faith effort to meet the deadline.
  2. This rule applies to any players legally added to the roster after the stated deadline.
  3. Uniforms shall consist of, but are not limited to, matching team caps and jerseys with assigned team uniform numbers.
  4. Players must be dressed in proper baseball pants. These pants need not match the team’s uniform, however, the Association encourages all players to wear matching pants. Sweatpants, shorts, jeans, or any other type of pants other than baseball pants are prohibited.

10.4 Manager

The Manager is that person who has been officially recognized as the entrant of a team into the Association. The Manager has the ultimate responsibility for the team’s compliance with all by-laws as set forth in this Constitution. The manager of a franchise is responsible for all actions of his players and coaches and may be fined up to fifty dollars ($50.00) for any violations of codes of conduct and league rules as set forth in this document, or any other actions deemed detrimental to the objectives and standards of the Association.

  1. Severe violations of league rules and codes of conduct may result in the suspension of the offending player or manager for the balance of the season or possible permanent banishment from the league, if so ruled by the President.

10.5 Manager Changes

Management of the team may officially change from one person to another during the dates that team is formally recognized as an entity as specified in Recognition only with the written consent of the outgoing manager, or rostered members of the team can show that the Manager has not been faithfully and/or competently fulfilling his requirements as outlined in this Constitution.

  1. Management changes under this Section may only take place pending the outcome of a hearing, which shall take place at the earliest possible date between the Association President, the Manager in question, and the parties seeking a change in management.
  2. The President may ask other managers to attend this hearing to serve in an advisory role.
  3. Failure to appear at this hearing by either party involved shall automatically result in an outcome favorable to the party in attendance.
  4. Teams with management conflicts of this nature may not play league games until the completion of this hearing and resolution of the conflict. Management changes outside of the dates that a team is formally recognized as an entity as specified in Recognition are beyond the control of the Association and President and are not subject to any formal mechanisms of change as outlined in this Constitution. Resolution of any outstanding conflicts associated with such management changes are the sole responsibility of the parties involved.

11 Team Rosters; Players and Eligibility

11.1 Roster Deadline; Roster Size

Prior to June 1, each team has an “open roster.” Association teams must submit a roster of their players to the President no later than June 1 of each year. Any team that does not submit its roster to the President by June 1 as required by this Roster Deadline; Roster Size and in accordance with the information requirements in Roster Information Requirements shall be deemed not in good standing. Consequences of not being in good standing are defined in Classification; Standing of the Constitution. This submitted roster plus any and all legal roster transactions per Roster Transactions, shall be considered official. Players not on a team’s official roster are ineligible for play, except where specifically noted in this Teams And Managers.
Each team’s roster must contain a minimum of sixteen (16) players and shall not exceed twenty-six (26) players, in each case, excluding non-playing managers and coaches.

11.2 Roster Information Requirements

A team’s rosters as submitted to the President on or before June 1 shall contain the following information for each rostered player: name, age, bats/throws, position(s),uniform number, and face photo. Rosters shall be submitted in Excel or via Google sheets (or similar editable spreadsheet.)

11.3 Roster Transactions

Teams may add a total of five (5) players to the roster after the June 1 roster submission deadline. The total number of players on a team still may not exceed twenty-six (26). In order to add players between June 1 and July 1 but not exceed the 26 player limit, a team may drop players who were rostered on June 1. No players may be added after July 1, except as set forth below. After July 1, upon request to the Rules and Competition Committee, a team may add a player if (i) the team’s roster has fallen (or, upon the removal of players “missing in action” as described below, will fall) below the 16 player minimum and (ii) doing so will, in the good faith determination of the Rules and Competition Committee, prevent the team from forfeiting games. In order for a team to declare a player “missing in action” after July 1, (i) the player shall have (a) failed to appear at all of the team’s games occurring prior to such request or (b) suffered a season-ending injury after June 1 and (ii) the team must drop the player from its roster. A team may drop players at any time as long as the team’s roster does not fall below the 16 player minimum. Any and all roster changes shall be submitted to the President and satisfy the information requirements in Roster Information Requirements. Roster changes shall be effective as of the first pitch of the team’s first regularly scheduled game after the updated roster is submitted.

11.4 Alumni

If a team would otherwise be required to forfeit or technically forfeit a game after June 1 due to a lack of eligible players in attendance, the team can use one (but not more than one) of its former players (“alumni”) in that game. The team’s manager shall inform the opposing team’s manager and the President as soon as possible (and in no event later than the first pitch) of his team’s use of an alumni player and will provide to the opposing team’s manager and the President with the alumni player’s name, age, bats/throws, position and uniform number. Alumni players are not eligible to play in the playoffs.

11.5 Eligible Players

Eligible players must be of at least eighteen (18) years of age by the date of the teams first +game. No player may play for more than one team in a season (either before or after June 1). A team that uses an ineligible player, per the rules in this Team Rosters Players And Eligibility, will be deemed to have forfeited any and all games in which the illegal player(s) participated.

11.6 Postseason Player Eligibility

Players must appear in at least five (5) games during the regular season in order to be eligible for postseason play. Upon request to the Rules and Competition Committee, exceptions may be made for players with long term injuries.

11.7 Player Responsibility for Team Fees

All players in the CMBA are expected to pay their team fees. Players will not be allowed to switch teams within the association unless or until any and all debts are paid in full.

11.8 Free Agents

A player must inform the League President and his manager no later than February 15 of the upcoming season if he wishes to leave his team and become a free agent. After this he is free to play for another team in the CMBA. A manager may waive this deadline for an individual player at the manager’s discretion. If the player fails to notify as specified, that player shall be disqualified from playing on another CMBA team for that season.

12 General Play

12.1 Playing Rules

Except where specified in this document, the CMBA shall follow the Official Baseball Rules of Major League Baseball.

The CMBA shall not incorporate the following rules of Major League Baseball:

12.2 Regulation Games

Games played under the auspices of both recognized Managers of the participating teams shall count as official. A regulation game is defined as follows

  1. A regulation game consists of seven (7) innings, unless extended because of a tie score, or shortened because the home team needs none of its half of the seventh inning or only a fraction of it, or because the umpire calls the game in accordance with Reasons for a Game to be Called.

  2. If the score is tied after seven completed innings play shall continue until (1) the visiting team has scored more total runs than the home team at the end of a completed inning, or (2) the home team scores the winning run in an uncompleted inning. If a regulation game is called with the score tied, it shall remain a tie game.

  3. If a game is called by the umpire, per Reasons for a Game to be Called, it is a regulation (official) game:

    1. If four innings have been completed;
    2. If the home team has scored more runs in four or three and a fraction half-innings than the visiting team has scored in four completed half-innings;
    3. If the home team scores one or more runs in its half of the fourth inning to tie the score.

    Postseason games are exempt from this definition as specified in Completion of Playoff Games.

  4. Slaughter Rule: The game shall be ended and the leading team declared the winner:

    1. If after 4 complete innings the visiting team is ahead in the score by 15 or more runs, or if after 3½ innings the home team is ahead by the same, the game will be ended and the leading team declared the winner.
    2. If after 5 or more complete innings the visiting team is ahead in the score by 12 or more runs, or if after 4½ innings or more the home team is ahead by the same, the game will be ended and the leading team declared the winner.

    The Slaughter Rule is applicable for the playoffs as specified in Completion of Playoff Games.

  5. If a game is called after 3 complete innings and one team is ahead by 10 or more runs, the game will be ended and the leading team declared the winner.

    Postseason games are exempt from this definition as specified in Completion of Playoff Games.

  6. If a game is postponed or otherwise called before it has become a regulation game, the umpire-in-chief shall declare it “No Game,” meaning the game must be restarted (not resumed) at a later date.

    Postseason games are exempt from this definition as specified in Completion of Playoff Games.

12.3 Reasons for a Game to be Called

An umpire, in their discretion, may declare a game called if

  1. Darkness prevents further safe play.
  2. Rain, lightning, or other inclement weather precludes safe conditions.
  3. A new inning would start after 8:15 p.m at a field without lights.
  4. Local laws or field rules (e.g. lightning detector) prevent continuation of the game.
  5. Other circumstances prevent further safe play. The Rules and Competition Committee may rule on any forfeit or loss of points as applicable.

12.4 Game Time

The starting time for all weeknight games shall be 5:50 p.m. for fields without lights. Starting times for games played at lighted fields and on the weekends shall be determined by the League and may legally begin after 6:30PM. Forfeit time shall be 20 minutes after the scheduled starting time.

12.5 Player Uniforms

All players must be in proper uniform in order to be eligible to participate in games, as specified in Uniform.

12.6 Minimum Number of Players

Teams must start the game at the scheduled starting time if they have at least eight (8) players present. A team may not wait until forfeit time for players to arrive, the game must begin as soon as a team has 8 players present. If a ninth player does not arrive or arrives after forfeit time, the team shall be in technical forfeit, as defined in Forfeits.

  1. In the event a team starts a game with eight (8) players, the ninth spot in the batting order shall be considered an out recorded to the pitcher. A team may insert a ninth player in the vacant ninth spot after the start of play.

  2. A team may begin a game with eight (8) players up to two (2) times in one season. A team that fails to field nine (9) players at the start of the game after receiving 2 (two) prior technical forfeits shall forfeit all subsequent games.

  3. A team in technical forfeit shall remain in technical forfeit, regardless of the number of players with which it finished the game. A team may finish the game a player short, that is one (1) player less than they started the game with (eight (8) players for a nine (9) man line-up, nine (9) players for a ten (10) man), provided the team does not fall below this minimum.

  4. The vacated spot in the batting order shall be considered an automatic out.

  5. Should a team fall below the minimum, the game is terminated and the team loses by forfeit.

12.7 Player Injuries

Should a player suffer a debilitating injury during the game and cannot continue, and a team has no more eligible players on its bench, a team can use a player that was removed from the game to replace him. This replacement player must be the first player removed from the game, and if this player is unavailable the next player is used (and so on). If no reserve is present, the vacated spot in the lineup is skipped and all batters move up accordingly, with no penalty to the affected team.

  1. If a substantial case can be made that a team skipped a spot with the intent to gain a competitive advantage, a protest by the opposing team may retroactively be ruled as a forfeit.

12.8 Equipment

  1. Baseballs: Only Major League regulation balls will be allowed for game play. Accepted brands and ball types include, but are not limited to, the Rawlings RO series, Wilson A1000 series, and Diamond D-1 series. The home team must supply two (2) and the visitors one (1) ball at the start of each game. Additional balls shall be supplied alternately by each team beginning with the visiting team. Teams that supply non-approved balls shall forfeit the game.
  2. Bats: All bats must be wood or BBCOR certified. Use of an illegal bat shall be subject to the Major League rules that govern this area.
  3. Bases, home plate, and pitching rubber: All teams are expected to have a set of bases, a home plate, and a pitching rubber. These items shall conform to Major League Baseball specifications. Items conforming to 2022 specifications shall also be considered legal.

The home team shall be responsible for accurately setting up the bases, and if necessary, home plate and the pitching rubber. Should the home team fail to have these necessities by the start of the game, they will lose by forfeit. The visiting team can lend the equipment, although they are not required to do so.

12.9 Field Maintenance

All teams are responsible for the maintenance and cleanup of the field and dugout areas after a game. Both teams must fill in all infield, batter’s box, and pitching mound holes. Additionally, both teams must have adequate equipment on hand for field maintenance. Teams who repeatedly fail to do proper post-game maintenance shall be fined.

12.10 Payment of Umpires

Umpires are to be paid on the field promptly upon request.

12.11 Designated Hitter

The Association shall follow the Major League designated hitter rule at all times, with the exception that a team may designate a D.H. for any position on the field.

12.12 Designated Runner

The Association shall elect to use a designated runner rule, similar to the designated hitter rule.

  1. A runner may be designated to run for a specified player in any game without otherwise affecting the status of the player(s) in the game.
  2. The designated runner must take the place of the specified player whenever that player reaches base or the designated runner.
  3. If the specified player is substituted, this substitute player may inherit the designated runner.
  4. Designated runners are subject to the same substitution rules as the designated hitter as defined in Designated Hitter
  5. Teams with no eligible players remaining on the bench (i.e. all players are in the batting lineup) may elect to use the player that made the last out as the designated runner.

12.13 Extra Hitter

Prior to the start of the game a team may choose to play an extra hitter (EH). If the team uses this option, the following conditions apply:

  1. An EH shall only bat. They cannot take a position in the field as a tenth fielder.
  2. The EH shall be treated like any other position in the field. He can be substituted for, switch positions, or anything else that a position player can do.
  3. There is no limit to the number of extra hitters a team may elect to use, provided the names and numbers of these players are included in the lineup exchanged before the game.

12.14 Courtesy Runner

Teams may use courtesy runners for pitchers and catchers at any time. It is not mandatory to do so (speed-up rule), but the umpire(s) are required to keep the game moving expeditiously.

  1. Courtesy runners for pitchers and catchers cannot be, or have been, in the game at any time other than as a courtesy runner. Teams with no eligible players remaining on the bench must use the first player taken out of the game or the player that made the last out.
  2. The pitcher or catcher must play at least one (1) defensive out to be eligible for a courtesy runner unless they reach base in the first inning as a member of the visiting team.

12.15 Batting Lineup

The batting lineup shall consist of at minimum 9 slots (or 8 adhering to section Minimum Number of Players). Additional slots may be used without limit (see Extra Hitter). Any player may be substituted in their batting lineup slot by using a pinch-hitter or pinch-runner for that player. The original player may not re-enter the game as a hitter.

12.16 A/B Batting Lineup Slots

In regular season play, any batting lineup slot may be optionally designated as an “A/B” batting slot, meaning it is shared between two players adhering to the following rules:

  1. The batter designated “A” shall bat the first time through the lineup and the batter designated “B” batting the second time through the lineup, continuing in alternating fashion for the remainder of the game.
  2. Rules for the substitutions of either “A” or “B” batter are the same as any other batting lineup slot.
  3. In the event of injury of either player when there are no reserve players available, the uninjured player shall bat in place of the injured player without penalty.

In postseason play, the A/B batting slot rule defined above shall not be applicable.

12.17 Defensive Lineup

In regular season play, the defensive line-up is independent of the batting lineup and substitutions shall be allowed as follows:

  1. Any player may be freely substituted in the defensive line-up at any time, without affecting the players’ in the batting line-up. Players may enter, exit, and re-enter the game in the defensive line-up without limitation.

In postseason play, the free defensive substitution rule defined above shall not be applicable and substitutions shall be made in accordance to applicable CMBA and MLB rules.

12.18 Field Status

The home team shall be responsible for checking the status of the field in the event of rain. The home team must report the status of the field to the President and the assigned umpire no later than 2:00 pm for a weeknight game, and at least 2 hrs. before a weekend game. As a courtesy, the home team should also notify the visiting manager, but the visiting manager may also contact the President for information regarding the status of the field.

  1. Any manager who knowingly falsifies information regarding the status of the field to avoid playing the game will be fined and the team will forfeit the game.

12.19 Rescheduling

In the discretion of the president, a game may be postponed due to extraordinary circumstances. In the event a game is to be postponed, the president shall alert the managers in an expedient manner. Managers from both teams must contact the President to confirm any changes that they wish to make to the official schedule. Teams may not change times, places, or dates of games without the consent of the President. Any such games played shall be considered unofficial. Any postponed or suspended games must be rescheduled in a timely fashion by the managers of that game for the next possible date. If managers cannot come to an agreement in a timely fashion, the President may reschedule the game.

12.20 Notification of Results

The winning team shall be responsible for notifying the President of the score of the game no later than 10:00 AM the day after the game was played via text message, email, or telephone call.

12.21 Uncompleted Games

All games not completed by the end of the regular season shall count as losses for both teams unless a team deliberately attempts to avoid playing a sanctioned game. The team that was willing to play the game will be judged the forfeit winner if so ruled by the President.

12.22 Substitution of an Umpire

Should a league sanctioned umpire fail to appear at game time, the teams can choose to play the game with an umpire(s) of mutual choosing. The President needs to be informed by both teams prior to the start of the game to make it official.

12.23 Collisions

NO COLLISIONS ARE ALLOWED, UNLESS THE CONTACT RESULTS FROM A SLIDE. It is the base runners responsibility to slide or avoid contact. Fielders and runners must abide by Official Baseball Rules regarding Interference, Obstruction, and Catcher Collisions.. Unless the umpire rules that the contact was incidental or the result of Obstruction by the fielder, the runner shall be called out, the ball declared dead and the runner automatically ejected from the game. Per Flagrant Collisions. if the collision is determined by the umpire to be flagrant the player may be subject to the further penalty as defined in that section.

12.24 Umpire Disputes

Discussion of a disputed umpires call shall be limited to the managers, base coaches and the “aggrieved player. No player or other coach (third party) shall be allowed to leave the dugout or his defensive position to join in. The penalty for violating this rule shall be the immediate ejection from the game.

13 Protest and Forfeits

13.1 Timeframe and Reporting

All protests must be filed with the President within 48 hours of the alleged infraction and on the League supplied form. All requested information must be accurately reported. Any manager who knowingly falsifies information on the protest form will be fined and suspended as determined by the President, and that manager’s team will forfeit the game.

13.2 Ground for Protest

Protests may only be made on the grounds of a violation of a rule stated in this Constitution and its By-Laws or in violation of a stated Major League Baseball rule. Protests may not, under any circumstances, be based on the judgment of an umpire’s call. The protesting team’s manager must notify the umpire of the protest at the time the violation occurred. Managers shall notify the league president at the earliest possible time after the game and provide umpire signature as proof of notification.

13.3 Ruling

Upon the filing of a protest with the President, the President shall call a meeting of the Rules and Competition Committee at the earliest possible date. Judgment regarding the merit of the protest shall be made after deliberation.

13.4 Notification

Teams that win games by forfeit must notify the President that very day.

13.5 Umpire Payment

Forfeiting teams must pay, at the time of the forfeit, the full cost of the umpire(s), and shall be considered not in good standing as defined in Classification; Standing. Teams will be considered not in good standing until payment is made. In the event a team is unable to pay the umpire at the proper time, the team’s forfeit fee will be used to cover initial forfeits. The cost of additional forfeits will be paid by the team.

13.6 Forfeits

Should a team forfeit a game shall lose 2 points in the standings. Forfeiting teams must pay, at the time of the forfeit, the full cost of the umpire(s). Until payment is made, a forfeiting team shall be considered not in good standing as defined in Subsection. Should a team forfeit 2 games in a season they will be banned from playing games for the remainder of the season and playoffs and placed on indefinite suspension, not in good standing, as defined in Subsection of the constitution. Games that included or would have included this team shall be subject to the following:

  1. All previous games played by the indefinitely suspended team shall count in the official standings.
  2. All subsequent games shall be recorded as a loss for the suspended team and a win for the scheduled opponent.

13.7 Technical forfeit

A team subject to technical forfeit shall be awarded only one point for a victory. A team may receive 2 technical forfeits per season. After reaching this limit, subsequent technical forfeits shall be converted to forfeits, as defined in Equipment.

14 Standings and Postseason

14.1 Website

The President shall maintain a league website that includes all official scores and league standings. Additional pertinent information will be provided.

14.2 League Standings

The Association shall use a point system to determine the standings. A team is awarded:

  1. Two (2) points for a win (including a win against a team in technical forfeit)
  2. One (1) point for a win while in technical forfeit (see Forfeits)
  3. One (1) point for a tie game
  4. Zero (0) points for a loss
  5. Minus two (-2) points for a loss by forfeit (see Forfeits).

14.3 Standings Tie-breakers

In the event two teams finish the regular season in a tie for a position, the following tie-breaking procedure will take effect:

  1. Record in head-to-head competition.
  2. Record within the division (if applicable).
  3. Least runs allowed for the season.
  4. Coin toss, performed by the president with a witness.

14.4 Postseason Format

The postseason format shall be determined by annual vote.

14.5 Prizes and Awards

Playoff prizes and awards, if any, shall be determined by the membership of the league.

14.6 Playoff Umpire Selection

For the playoffs, each team will be granted the ability to exclude one (1) particular umpire from participating in said teams series. The name of this umpire shall be submitted to the chief umpire as soon as possible prior to the series. This umpire “veto” will be binding UNLESS the chief umpire cannot find any other umpire who can work any game in this series.

14.7 Completion of Playoff Games

All playoff games must be played to completion. If a playoff game is suspended for any reason, the game must be finished at a later date declared by the president. This game is declared suspended, and regardless of what inning or circumstance, the game will be continued from the point in the game when it was suspended. The “Slaughter Rule” is applicable for the playoffs (see Regulation Games).

15 Sportsmanship and Prohibited Conduct

All association members are expected to engage in a sportsmanlike and mutually respectful behavior. Any manager or the chief umpire may request that the rules and competition committee review the specific actions of another player, coach, manager or team. The rules and competition committee shall review, and in its discretion, determine the appropriate disciplinary action to be taken, if any. Disciplinary actions include a written warning, fines, temporary suspension, and banishment from the association. The committee should take under consideration repeat offenses. The president shall enforce any discipline determined by the committee.

15.1 Fighting

Fighting or any physical altercation shall not be tolerated in the CMBA. Players cannot leave the bench or their positions during a fight for any reason; the managers, the on-the-field coaches and umpire(s) shall be responsible for restoring order. Specific penalties for violations are listed below.

  1. Any player who instigates or initiates an on-field fight shall be fined and suspended from league play for no less than one season
  2. Any player or coach who participates in a fight shall be suspended for three games and fined $50.00.

15.2 Assault of an Umpire

Any player or coach who physically assaults an umpire will be permanently banished from the league. He may also be arrested if the umpire chooses to press charges.

15.3 Substances

  1. Smoking: Smoking shall be prohibited in the dugout and on the playing field during the game.
  2. Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages are prohibited on or in the close proximity of a team’s bench. Teams in violation of this rule will forfeit the game and be automatically fined and temporarily suspended. Offending players will be fined and suspended for two (2) weeks from the date of the infraction. A second violation of this rule shall result in the automatic expulsion of the team from the Association. Managers are responsible for the enforcement of this rule and are accountable for any violations.
  3. Additionally, all teams and players are subject to any and all additional laws, rules, or regulations regarding substances as stated by locality or the issuer of the field permit

15.4 Flagrant Collisions

A flagrant collision is defined as an intentional act to forcibly collide with a fielder. A player who is ejected for a flagrant collision will be suspended for three (3) games and fined $30. A second offense (not necessarily in the same season) will result in the player being suspended for the remainder of that season (including playoffs). A third offense will result in permanent banishment from the league.